2015(e)ko irailaren 12(a), larunbata

Estropadak - Rowing competition in La Concha Bay

Every year, Estropadak, the regatas or boat races of San Sebastian take place on the first two Sundays of September in La Concha Bay.

It is the most prestigious rowing competition of the season, and many people come to Donostia to enjoy the regatas and the great atmosphere that invades the city.

The spectators gather on the hills around the bay, Urgull and Igeldo, along Paseo Nuevo, the Quay and on the island, the beaches and in every possible type of craft to watch the regatas.

A crew is made up of thirteen oarsmen and the cox, who faces them at the stern. The origins of this sport date back to the XIV and XV centuries when the crew was essential for whaling. During that time, these crafts were probably used for the anchovy, sardine and other fishing seasons. It seems that the origin of the regatas stems from the rivalry among fishermen who struggled to arrive first in the port in order to sell their fish.

Also, it should be noted that whales were fished in abundance along these coasts. Every time a whale was seen from the hills, the alarm was raised for the fishermen to go out, and they also struggled to be the first to reach the whale. This was the seed of the competition.

The crafts are called trainera in Spanish, pronounced ‘try-nera’ if you’re an English speaker.

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