2015(e)ko uztailaren 14(a), asteartea

Donostia / San Sebastian. Going to the beach.

San Sebastián is often referred to as the ‘Pearl of the Cantabrian Sea’ and there is no doubt that this stunning bay of La Concha, is part of the reason for this name.

This unique bay of La Concha is what made the city famous during the Belle Époque era and it is also where spanish Queen Maria Cristina established her royal summerhouse.

La Concha”, shell in spanish due to its shape, is the nearest beach from the apartment.

According to the Travel and Leisure magazine, this is the second top city beach in the world. A kilometer and a half of fine and white sand combined with calm waters and fantastic views.

The worst part is that the beach size depends greatly on the tide status. When the tide is up this beach gets narrow and it can be crowded.

You can hire canoes and paddle surfing boards. Sunshades and chairs can also be hired.


Ondarreta" is in the same bay as La Concha, but split by El pico del Loro (a rocky outcropping). It is also a wonderful beach, but it is further from the apartment.

La Zurriola”: Located in the district of Gros, on the other side of the river, is not far from the apartment. Big waves and young people, that is what you will find in La Zurriola! It is a good option for surf lovers.
You can hire surfing boards and have surfing lessons. Sunshades and chairs can also be hired.

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