2015(e)ko uztailaren 25(a), larunbata

"Heineken Jazzaldia" - Every July, San Sebastian comes alive with jazz music!

The San Sebastian Jazz festival is held every year during the third week of July. It was founded in 1966, Which means this festival celebrates 50 years bringing jazz music to Donostia.

The "Jazzaldia" is the first jazz festival organised in Spain and one of the oldest in Europe. It hosts around a hundred concerts in twelve stages located in different points throughout the city of San Sebastian. Some of these concerts are free and some others are ticketed; and some of the venues are in the open air and some others are indoors.

The Kursaal Centre and Trinidad Square offer paying concerts, while at the other venues, including Zurriola beach and the terraces at the Kursaal Centre, concerts are free.

More info at www.heinekenjazzaldia.com

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