2015(e)ko uztailaren 10(a), ostirala

San Fermin

This unique festival is held annually from the 6th to the 14th of July.

Iruña / Pamplona, capital of Navarre, 82 km from San Sebastian.
The most famous event is the "encierro" or the running of the bulls, that takes place every morning at 08:00 am, but appart from "encierros", this festival involves many other traditional events.

Lesaka, 37km from San Sebastian.
This beautiful town sorrounded by mountains where you will be able to find interesting monuments, also celebrates San Fermin. The main activity is "zubigainekoa"on the 7th of July; a dance on the edge of Onin river that commemorates a peace treaty that took place on the XV century.

Source: De Turismo por Navarra

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